Sunday, September 20, 2020

Painting the Bottom

 Finally Painting

Painting covers a multitude of sins but also reveals some areas that need a little more sanding. So I will sand some more before adding a second coat. I've heard many boat builders say there comes a time when you just have to quit sanding. I can't wait to achieve that mindset.

Next Steps

Sanding, then add second coat on the bottom.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I admit that I was about 16 years old when I built my first boat, but I am amazed at the quality of your work. And this is your first boat?!?!? My first boat sailed back and forth across the lake twice before the green jack pine tree mast gave out, but it was the birth place of about 20 seasons of mosquitos after that.


Ready to Launch

  Finished Product Fittings installed in bow and stern decks. The Water Rat is all finished, named, and ready to launch. I am still working ...