Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Ready to Launch

 Finished Product

Fittings installed in bow and stern decks. The Water Rat is all finished, named, and ready to launch. I am still working on a dolly made with PVC pipe, various nuts and washers, and Harbor Freight tires. That will make it easier for an old man like me to get it from the truck to the water.

Next Step

Go rowing!!! Thanks for following.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Installing the Seat

 Painting the topsides and installing the seat.

I have applied two coats of paint tp the topsides. The only thing left to be painted is the cockpit. I fabricated a mount for the seat. 

Seat mount fabricated and glued in place

Seat dry-fitted

Next Step

Fabricate a foot rest. Paint the cockpit. Go rowing.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Painting the Bottom

 Finally Painting

Painting covers a multitude of sins but also reveals some areas that need a little more sanding. So I will sand some more before adding a second coat. I've heard many boat builders say there comes a time when you just have to quit sanding. I can't wait to achieve that mindset.

Next Steps

Sanding, then add second coat on the bottom.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


 Installing the Skegs

Today I added thickened epoxy around the edges of the fiberglass cloth which was installed on the bottom yesterday. I also cut the skegs and installed them.

If you look carefully you can see the epoxy fillets along the base of the skegs.

Next step

Tomorrow I will sand the filler around the edges of the fiberglass cloth. I will also install fiberglass around the skegs and wet it out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Fiberglassing the bottom

 Applying Fiberglass Cloth

After dry-fitting and trimming the fiberglass cloth, I started at the front folding it back in small sections. When the folds were near the stern, I folded the stern piece forward on top the other folds. Then starting at the stern I wet it out section by section unfolding as I went. Thank goodness for slow hardener.

Starting at the stern

Working my way forward

finished stern

finished bow

Next Steps

Apply another coat of epoxy. Then fabricate the bottom skegs and stringers.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Fiberglass Cloth

 Cutting Cloth to fit

After a lot of filling and sanding of the bottom I have begun the process of fiberglassing the bottom. The fiberglass cloth has been draped over the boat and trimmed to fit. Tomorrow I will wet it out with epoxy.

Next Step

Wet out the fiberglass cloth with epoxy. 

Ready to Launch

  Finished Product Fittings installed in bow and stern decks. The Water Rat is all finished, named, and ready to launch. I am still working ...